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Back-to-School Dental Tips for Kids

As summer comes to an end and the new school year begins, it’s important to make sure your child is equipped with a healthy smile. Islands Pediatric Dentistry has put together some back-to-school dental tips to help parents equip their children with good oral health habits for the school year and beyond.

Set a strong dental routine

During the summer, it’s easy for kids to get off track with their daily routines. As they head back to school, it’s important to establish a consistent dental routine. This includes brushing twice a day for two minutes each time and flossing at least once a day. Consider setting alarms or creating a chart to help your child stay on track.

Pack healthy, teeth-friendly snacks

With many schools implementing healthier lunch options, it’s also important to pack snacks that are good for your child’s teeth. Pack fruits and vegetables instead of sugary snacks like cookies or candy. Cheese and yogurt are also great options as they contain calcium, which helps strengthen teeth.

Schedule a back-to-school dental visit

Before the school year gets too busy, schedule a dental appointment for your child. Checkups are a great way to evaluate your child’s teeth and can help us catch potential issues before they become bigger problems. An exam can identify any early signs of dental problems and provide a plan to fix them.

Stay safe with a mouthguard

If your child is participating in sports this school year, it’s important to invest in a well-fitted mouthguard. This will protect their teeth from potential injuries while playing sports.

Talk to your child about oral health

As children get older, it’s important for them to take responsibility for their own oral health. Talk to your child about the importance of brushing and flossing daily and how it can help prevent cavities and other oral health issues. Encourage them to ask questions and be involved in their own dental care.

Keep up with regular appointments at Islands Pediatric Dentistry

At Islands Pediatric Dentistry, we are committed to providing excellent dental care for children of all ages. Our team is here to support parents and children in establishing good oral health habits that will last a lifetime. Schedule an appointment today.


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